Comment # 3 on bug 1036630 from
In y2log I can find

2017-04-20 10:45:28 <1> susetest(4373) [Ruby]
network/susefirewall2services.rb:447 Services found: ["service:avahi",
"service:bind", "service:dhcp-server", "service:dhcp6-server",
"service:dnsmasq-dhcp", "service:dnsmasq-dns", "service:netbios-server",
"service:nfs-client", "service:ntp", "service:pulseaudio-server",
"service:rsync-server", "service:samba-client", "service:samba-server",
"service:smtp", "service:sshd", "service:xdmcp", "service:ypbind"]
2017-04-20 10:45:29 <2> susetest(4373) [Ruby] modules/Service.rb:448
[DEPRECATION] `Status' in "(eval):3:in `call_yast_function'" is deprecated; use
`active?` instead
2017-04-20 10:45:29 <1> susetest(4373) [Ruby] yast2/systemd_unit.rb:122
`systemctl show named.service  --property=Id  --property=MainPID 
--property=Description  --property=LoadState  --property=ActiveState 
--property=SubState  --property=UnitFileState  --property=FragmentPath `
2017-04-20 10:45:29 <1> susetest(4373) [Ruby] yast2/systemd_unit.rb:122
`systemctl is-enabled named.service `
2017-04-20 10:45:29 <3> susetest(4373) [bash]
named.service is not a native service, redirecting to systemd-sysv-install.
2017-04-20 10:45:29 <3> susetest(4373) [bash]
Executing: /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install is-enabled named
2017-04-20 10:45:29 <3> susetest(4373) [Ruby] modules/Service.rb:443 Service
'named' not found

So the service simply does not exist anymore.

Checking the history of openQA tests more thoroughly I can find
* "last good":
* "first bad":

so the change was introduced between Build20170329 and Build20170331 and I
guess it's some "pattern" change or something? Should the yast configuration
module now required whatever provides the "named" service now?

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