Felix Miata changed bug 1228929
What Removed Added
Flags needinfo?(mrmazda@earthlink.net)  

Comment # 30 on bug 1228929 from Felix Miata
(In reply to Martin Wilck from comment #29)
> I'm not seeing any trace messages from regenerate-initrd-posttrans. Are you
> sure you have installed the file provided in the correct path
> (/usr/lib/module-init-tools/regenerate-initrd-posttrans)?

No doubt, but it was unclear whether it mattered that the installation was
equipped with either of
suse-module-tools-scriptlets 16.0.50-1.1
suse-module-tools-scriptlets 16.0.51-1.1
First try on test #1, dracut-posttrans was not found, so I backed up some and
upgraded to the latter, then reinstalled your test version of
regenerate-initrd-posttrans, without remembering to reinstate your modification
to /usr/lib/module-init-tools/kernel-scriptlets/rpm-script. So perhaps the
tests will need to be tried on an as yet untested installation?

To me it's uncanny how hard subject failure had been to reproduce, while now
it's happened more than twice in succession.

For the benefit of bug 1225296, I needed to swap NVidia GPUs between big41 and
p5bse, so I needed to first install 6.6.50, again as on big41, on Slowroll, not
on TW:
# inxi -CS
  Host: p5bse Kernel: 6.6.32-2-longterm arch: x86_64 bits: 64
  Console: pty pts/0 Distro: openSUSE Tumbleweed-Slowroll 20240901
  Info: dual core model: Intel Core2 Duo E7500 bits: 64 type: MCP cache:
    L2: 3 MiB
  Speed (MHz): avg: 1596 min/max: 1596/2926 cores: 1: 1596 2: 1596
# df . /
Filesystem     1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
00srv:/pub     215282152 168414064  46863992  79% /nfs/00srv/pub
/dev/sda19       6456702   5281468    843816  87% /
# set | egrep 'INIT|WM2'
# zypper --no-refresh se -s -i scriptl | grep 'package '
i  | suse-module-tools-scriptlets | package | 16.0.50-1.1 | x86_64 | OSS
# time rpm -ivh ./kernel-longterm-6.6.50-1.1.x86_64.rpm
Verifying...                          ################################# [100%]
Preparing...                          ################################# [100%]
+ script_rc=0
+ case $op in
+ '[' -n '' ']'
+ check_space_in_boot
+ '[' '' '!=' '' ']'
+ check_arm_pagesize
+ '[' longterm '!=' default ']'
+ return
+ run_cert_script 4
+ '[' -z '1F673297 ' ']'
+ /usr/lib/module-init-tools/kernel-scriptlets/cert-pre --ca-check 1 --certs
'1F673297 ' 4
+ exit 0
Updating / installing...
   1:kernel-longterm-6.6.50-1.1       ################################# [100%]
+ script_rc=0
+ case $op in
+ '[' 4 -gt 1 ']'
+ trigger_purge_kernels
+ '[' -z '' ']'
+ touch /boot/do_purge_kernels
+ '[' -n '' ']'
+ copy_or_link_legacy_files
+ mountpoint -q /boot
+ mountpoint -q /usr
+ copy_or_link='ln -sf'
+ separate_boot=
+ for x in "$image" sysctl.conf System.map config
+ '[' '' = 1 ']'
+ '[' '!' -e /boot/vmlinuz-6.6.50-1-longterm ']'
+ ln -sf ../usr/lib/modules/6.6.50-1-longterm/vmlinuz
+ '[' -e /usr/lib/modules/6.6.50-1-longterm/.vmlinuz.hmac ']'
+ ln -sf ../usr/lib/modules/6.6.50-1-longterm/.vmlinuz.hmac
+ for x in "$image" sysctl.conf System.map config
+ '[' '' = 1 ']'
+ '[' '!' -e /boot/sysctl.conf-6.6.50-1-longterm ']'
+ ln -sf ../usr/lib/modules/6.6.50-1-longterm/sysctl.conf
+ '[' -e /usr/lib/modules/6.6.50-1-longterm/.sysctl.conf.hmac ']'
+ for x in "$image" sysctl.conf System.map config
+ '[' '' = 1 ']'
+ '[' '!' -e /boot/System.map-6.6.50-1-longterm ']'
+ ln -sf ../usr/lib/modules/6.6.50-1-longterm/System.map
+ '[' -e /usr/lib/modules/6.6.50-1-longterm/.System.map.hmac ']'
+ for x in "$image" sysctl.conf System.map config
+ '[' '' = 1 ']'
+ '[' '!' -e /boot/config-6.6.50-1-longterm ']'
+ ln -sf ../usr/lib/modules/6.6.50-1-longterm/config
+ '[' -e /usr/lib/modules/6.6.50-1-longterm/.config.hmac ']'
+ for x in /boot/"$image" /boot/initrd
+ rm -f /boot/vmlinuz
+ ln -s vmlinuz-6.6.50-1-longterm /boot/vmlinuz
+ for x in /boot/"$image" /boot/initrd
+ rm -f /boot/initrd
+ ln -s initrd-6.6.50-1-longterm /boot/initrd
+ rm -f /boot/.vmlinuz.hmac
+ '[' '!' -e /boot/.vmlinuz-6.6.50-1-longterm.hmac ']'
+ ln -s .vmlinuz-6.6.50-1-longterm.hmac /boot/.vmlinuz.hmac
+ '[' -x /usr/lib/module-init-tools/weak-modules2 ']'
+ run_wm2 --add-kernel 6.6.50-1-longterm
+ '[' -z '' ']'
+ /usr/lib/module-init-tools/weak-modules2 --add-kernel 6.6.50-1-longterm
/usr/sbin/depmod -F /usr/lib/modules/6.6.50-1-longterm/System.map -ae
touch /run/regenerate-initrd/6.6.50-1-longterm
+ '[' 1 ']'
+ run_cert_script 4
+ '[' -z '1F673297 ' ']'
+ /usr/lib/module-init-tools/kernel-scriptlets/cert-post --ca-check 1 --certs
'1F673297 ' 4
+ exit 0
+ script_rc=0
+ case $op in
+ '[' -x /usr/lib/module-init-tools/regenerate-initrd-posttrans ']'
+ '[' '!' 1 ']'
+ update_bootloader_entry
+ '[' '!' -e /.buildenv ']'
+ '[' -n '' ']'
+ '[' -f /etc/fstab ']'
+ initrd=initrd-6.6.50-1-longterm
+ '[' longterm = rt ']'
+ '[' -e /boot/initrd-6.6.50-1-longterm ']'
+ '[' '!' -e /usr/lib/modules/6.6.50-1-longterm ']'
+ exit 0

real    0m47.368s
user    0m36.121s
sys     0m2.258s
# cd /boot
# ls -gGrt initrd-*
-rw------- 1 14336148 Aug 15  2023 initrd-5.14.21-150500.55.19-default
-rw------- 1 16175328 Mar  3  2024 initrd-6.6.18-1-longterm
-rw------- 1 16331924 Apr 10 00:26 initrd-6.6.24-1-longterm
-rw------- 1 16414608 May 31 17:12 initrd-6.6.32-2-longterm
-rw------- 1 16487712 Jun 14 14:33 initrd-6.7.9-1-default
-rw------- 1 16515164 Jul 17 21:50 initrd-6.8.9-1-default
-rw------- 1 16804508 Aug 27 23:01 initrd-6.9.9-1-default
# ls -gGrt /usr/lib/module-init-tools/regenerate-initrd-posttrans
-rw-rw-r-- 1 3715 Sep 13 16:07
# dracut --kver 6.6.50-1-longterm
dracut[I]: Executing: /usr/bin/dracut --kver 6.6.50-1-longterm
dracut[I]: *** Creating image file '/boot/initrd-6.6.50-1-longterm' ***
dracut[I]: *** Creating initramfs image file '/boot/initrd-6.6.50-1-longterm'
done ***
# ls -gGrt initrd-*
-rw------- 1 14336148 Aug 15  2023 initrd-5.14.21-150500.55.19-default
-rw------- 1 16175328 Mar  3  2024 initrd-6.6.18-1-longterm
-rw------- 1 16331924 Apr 10 00:26 initrd-6.6.24-1-longterm
-rw------- 1 16414608 May 31 17:12 initrd-6.6.32-2-longterm
-rw------- 1 16487712 Jun 14 14:33 initrd-6.7.9-1-default
-rw------- 1 16515164 Jul 17 21:50 initrd-6.8.9-1-default
-rw------- 1 16804508 Aug 27 23:01 initrd-6.9.9-1-default
-rw------- 1 16696436 Sep 16 15:01 initrd-6.6.50-1-longterm

(In reply to Martin Wilck from comment #29)
> ...regenerate-initrd-posttrans...
> Please run this tool manually.

> # test 1

> mkdir /run/regenerate-initrd
> touch /run/regenerate-initrd/6.6.50-1-longterm
> /usr/lib/module-init-tools/regenerate-initrd-posttrans

# mkdir /run/regenerate-initrd
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/run/regenerate-initrd’: File exists
# touch /run/regenerate-initrd/6.6.50-1-longterm
# /usr/lib/module-init-tools/regenerate-initrd-posttrans
-bash: /usr/lib/module-init-tools/regenerate-initrd-posttrans: Permission
# chmod +x /usr/lib/module-init-tools/regenerate-initrd-posttrans
# /usr/lib/module-init-tools/regenerate-initrd-posttrans
regenerate-initrd-posttrans: missing required
# ls -gG /usr/lib/module-init-tools/dracut-posttrans
ls: cannot access '/usr/lib/module-init-tools/dracut-posttrans': No such file
or directory
# zypse module-tools
# zypper --no-refresh se -s module-tools | grep -v
'32bit|debug|devel|srcp|openSUSE-20' | egrep 'x86|noarch'| sort -f
i  | suse-module-tools-scriptlets | package | 16.0.50-1.1 | x86_64 | OSS
i+ | suse-module-tools            | package | 16.0.50-1.1 | x86_64 | OSS
# rpm -Uvh suse-module-tools-16.0.51-1.1.x86_64.rpm
Verifying...                          ################################# [100%]
Preparing...                          ################################# [100%]
Updating / installing...
   1:suse-module-tools-16.0.51-1.1    ################################# [ 25%]
   2:suse-module-tools-scriptlets-16.0################################# [ 50%]
Cleaning up / removing...
   3:suse-module-tools-scriptlets-16.0################################# [ 75%]
   4:suse-module-tools-16.0.50-1.1    ################################# [100%]
<via mc: saved new regenerate-initrd-posttrans; restored custom
# mkdir /run/regenerate-initrd
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/run/regenerate-initrd’: File exists
# touch /run/regenerate-initrd/6.6.50-1-longterm
# /usr/lib/module-init-tools/regenerate-initrd-posttrans
-bash: /usr/lib/module-init-tools/regenerate-initrd-posttrans: Permission
# chmod +x /usr/lib/module-init-tools/regenerate-initrd-posttrans
# /usr/lib/module-init-tools/regenerate-initrd-posttrans
+ dir=/run/regenerate-initrd
+ test -d /run/regenerate-initrd
+ ls -l /run/regenerate-initrd
total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Sep 16 15:24 6.6.50-1-longterm
+ '[' -n '' ']'
+ for f in "$dir"/*
+ case $f in
+ '[' '!' -f /etc/fstab ']'
+ '[' -e /.buildenv ']'
+ break
+ err=0
+ work_done=
+ test -e /run/regenerate-initrd/all
+ for f in "$dir"/*
+ case $f in
+ rm -f /run/regenerate-initrd/6.6.50-1-longterm
+ kver=6.6.50-1-longterm
+ case "$kver" in
+ '[' -d /lib/modules/6.6.50-1-longterm ']'
+ '[' -n '' ']'
+ initrd_regenerate 6.6.50-1-longterm
+ local kver=6.6.50-1-longterm
+ /usr/bin/dracut -f --kver 6.6.50-1-longterm
dracut[I]: Executing: /usr/bin/dracut -f --kver 6.6.50-1-longterm
dracut[I]: *** Stripping files done ***
dracut[I]: *** Creating image file '/boot/initrd-6.6.50-1-longterm' ***
dracut[I]: *** Creating initramfs image file '/boot/initrd-6.6.50-1-longterm'
done ***
+ return 0
+ err=0
+ '[' 0 -eq 0 ']'
+ work_done=yes
+ trap initrd_cleanup EXIT
+ '[' '!' yes ']'
+ '[' '!' -d /sys/firmware/efi ']'
+ exit 0
+ initrd_cleanup
+ :

> # test 2

> mkdir /run/regenerate-initrd
> touch /run/regenerate-initrd/all
> touch /run/regenerate-initrd/6.6.50-1-longterm
> /usr/lib/module-init-tools/regenerate-initrd-posttrans

# mkdir /run/regenerate-initrd
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/run/regenerate-initrd’: File exists
# touch /run/regenerate-initrd/all
# touch /run/regenerate-initrd/6.6.50-1-longterm
# /usr/lib/module-init-tools/regenerate-initrd-posttrans
+ dir=/run/regenerate-initrd
+ test -d /run/regenerate-initrd
+ ls -l /run/regenerate-initrd
total 0
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 0 Sep 16 15:29 6.6.50-1-longterm
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 0 Sep 16 15:28 all
+ '[' -n '' ']'
+ for f in "$dir"/*
+ case $f in
+ '[' '!' -f /etc/fstab ']'
+ '[' -e /.buildenv ']'
+ break
+ err=0
+ work_done=
+ test -e /run/regenerate-initrd/all
+ '[' 1 = 1 ']'
+ rm /run/regenerate-initrd/all
+ for f in "$dir"/*
+ case $f in
+ rm -f /run/regenerate-initrd/6.6.50-1-longterm
+ kver=6.6.50-1-longterm
+ case "$kver" in
+ '[' -d /lib/modules/6.6.50-1-longterm ']'
+ '[' -n '' ']'
+ initrd_regenerate 6.6.50-1-longterm
+ local kver=6.6.50-1-longterm
+ /usr/bin/dracut -f --kver 6.6.50-1-longterm
dracut[I]: Executing: /usr/bin/dracut -f --kver 6.6.50-1-longterm
dracut[I]: *** Stripping files done ***
dracut[I]: *** Creating image file '/boot/initrd-6.6.50-1-longterm' ***
dracut[I]: *** Creating initramfs image file '/boot/initrd-6.6.50-1-longterm'
done ***
+ return 0
+ err=0
+ '[' 0 -eq 0 ']'
+ work_done=yes
+ trap initrd_cleanup EXIT
+ '[' '!' yes ']'
+ '[' '!' -d /sys/firmware/efi ']'
+ exit 0
+ initrd_cleanup
+ :

> The initrd should be rebuilt in both cases.

Seems so.

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