Comment # 7 on bug 937020 from
Note that the font from TeXLive 2014

  /usr/share/texmf/fonts/type1/public/cs/csr10.pfb ->

had not change since TeXLive 2011.  That is that the mapping seems to be missed
or wrong.
If not already done install the package texlive-cs.

Do as root

       mkdir /var/run/texlive
       touch /var/run/texlive/run-mktexlsr
       touch /var/run/texlive/sync-updmap
       touch /var/run/texlive/run-fmtutil.language
       touch /var/run/texlive/run-updmap
       touch /var/run/texlive/sync-updmap

and then run as root

       /usr/share/texmf/texconfig/update 1>&2 | tee -a update.log

and report the result here with attaching the file update.log.

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