On 20.04.2010, at 02:51, Jon Rocker wrote:

I had an idea this morning, so I thought I'd share it.

I spoke with Rupert Horstkötter about this, and he advised me to contact you.

I think it would be a great benefit if we made openSUSE.org a portal along the
lines of something like iGoogle. Perhaps using ajax or JSON, but something where
the user can completely customize the layout and the content. This would be more
attractive and more appealing to users, whether new or old. Developers could
customize their page for development news and info and such, and other users
could customize it as they want it. Besides,I don't think any other distro has
done this before, and it be awesome to do as it could then be a suitable

On 20.04.2010, at 08:09, Andreas Demmer wrote:

----------  Weitergeleitete Nachricht  ----------

Betreff: Re: openSUSE Portal
Datum: Dienstag 20 April 2010, 07:52:51
Von: Andreas Demmer <mail@andreas-demmer.de>
An:  Jon Rocker <Jon.Rocker@open-slx.de>
Kopie:  rhim@opensuse.org

Jon Rocker wrote:
I think it would be a great benefit if we made openSUSE.org a portal along
the lines of something like iGoogle

I like the idea! BUT this will be lots of work and would keep us from using a 
standard content management solution like it is planned on the long run. IMHO 
we would need to code most of the functionality by hand but could build upon 
some standard framework, maybe Zend Framework or else.

Robert, what do you think?


Yes, the idea is great! And yes, it's a lot of work; but that's not a show-stopper :-)
We had a similar idea in discussion some month ago, but right now -i think- nobody is working on it. The idea came up in the context of the "All under one umbrella"-project [1].

@Pavol/@Boosters: Do you know if there is something going on in this direction?

In general, I would not replace the default landing-page (http://www.opensuse.org) with such a portal. But I think it would be cool for loged-in users. So they would have there own "dashboard". This would be a benefit.
It should be possible to contribute own widgets ... and/or hijack igoogle widgets. That would be pretty social-communityish, wouldn't it?

Is somebody volunteering to make a proposal?

Thank your for sharing Jon!




Robert Lihm, Webdesigner - openSUSE Boosters Team
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Maxfeldstr. 5, D-90409 Nuernberg
Tel: +49-911-74053-0  - rlihm@suse.de
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