Thanks for the reply. See below: Quoting Hans-Joachim Ehlers <HansJoachim.Ehlers@eumetsat.int>:
Some thoughts about the SLES reposirtoy 1) If you create a SLES9 SP3 repository for the installation server - actually the machine from where you create the repository - should be forhand updated to SP3
This is exactly what was done.
2) use the yast installation server menues to create the repository
Again, this is what was done. (I actually did it manually before realizing that I could do it through YaST - once I realized it I started from scratch and did it through YaST)
3) The most important thing is that you use at least the SP3 boot CD. In our current enviroment we build the boot CD from the fresh created repository.
I've tried booting from SP3 and I've tried the regular SLES boot CD as well with the same results. This disk was created prior to me coming to this company, however it installs SP3 just fine and was added to the repository through YaST with no issues.
Regarding dell Nowaday DELL machine have SATA drives. The SLES GM release does not supoort SATA afaik but at least SP2 does. To install from a SLES GM release you can switch in the DELL bios the SATA mode to combined meaning that ATA will be used. Problem with that: SLES GM will see hdX device but after installation you might have sdX devices. In this case grub will fail. So you are might back to point 3) above ;-)
I'm using GX260's for testing purposes initially, which are IDE. The bootloader is trying to load from /dev/hdax as well. This morning I am going to do as suggested before and try another network install and create a 100MB boot partition instead of letting the boot directory sit on the / partition. I'll post back the results. Anymore insight into this issue would be greatly appreciated. ---------------------------------------------------------------- This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.