Hi Daniel,

here is a xml snippet that I use for the purpose you describe:

  <partitioning config:type="list">
      <initialize config:type="boolean">true</initialize>
      <enable_snapshots config:type="boolean">true</enable_snapshots>
      <partitions config:type="list">

          <!-- BIOS Grub -->
          <create config:type="boolean">true</create>
          <partition_id config:type="integer">263</partition_id>
          <resize config:type="boolean">false</resize>


note: enable_snapshots config only makes sense if you are using btrfs on this device.


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>>> Daniel Spannbauer <ds@marco.de> 09.10.19 14:24 >>>

Am 10/9/19 um 10:15 AM schrieb Ancor Gonzalez Sosa:
>> But how can I do this via autoyast?
> Specify a partition with format=false (you don't want a filesystem) and
> partition_id=263 (AutoYaST value for bios-boot).
> https://documentation.suse.com/sles/15-SP1/single-html/SLES-autoyast/#ay-partition-configuration

> Cheers.


first of all: thanks, I will try this.

Where did you find the 263 for bios-boot?



Daniel Spannbauer                         Systemadministration
marco Systemanalyse und Entwicklung GmbH  Tel   +49 8333 9233-27 Fax -11
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