Thank you for your suggestion. I took your snippet and altered it so that it would be applicable to my add-on product and placed it in the autoinst.xml file that I have been using. Unfortunately, the results that I got were the same as to what I originally reported experiencing. I checked the /var/log/YaST2/y2log script after the installation had completed. Using grep with your suggested keywords (throw and fail) did not yield any results surprisingly. I manually reviewed the entire log. Unfortunately again this did not yield any further information as nothing that I read through seemed to be related to the error message encountered, reference my add-on product rpm or add-on product name. So at this point, are there any other suggestions? -Jason Babicka -----Original Message----- From: them4z@googlemail.com [mailto:them4z@googlemail.com] On Behalf Of 686f6c6d Sent: Friday, October 02, 2009 3:43 AM To: Jason Babicka Cc: opensuse-autoinstall@opensuse.org Subject: Re: [opensuse-autoinstall] Autoinstallation of SLES 10.2 is failing with addition of custom add-on, possibly due to placement of gpg key for custom add-on Greetings, I have not created a DVD for myself and hence am not sure if this is neccessary for you, but I assume you forgot to not only accept the new key, but also import it. Here is how we do that for our local mirror of a third party repo in <add_on_products>: ---------- 8< ---------- <listentry> <media_url>http://somewhere/thirdparty/cthiel1/openSUSE_11.1/</media_url> <product>thirdparty-cthiel</product> <name>thirdparty-cthiel</name> <product_dir>/</product_dir> <signature-handling> <accept_file_without_checksum config:type="boolean">false</accept_file_without_checksum> <accept_non_trusted_gpg_key> <all config:type="boolean">false</all> <keys config:type="list"> <keyid>2F7CFB3C4A50F8F6</keyid> </keys> </accept_non_trusted_gpg_key> <accept_unknown_gpg_key config:type="boolean">false</accept_unknown_gpg_key> <accept_unsigned_file config:type="boolean">false</accept_unsigned_file> <accept_verification_failed config:type="boolean">false</accept_verification_failed> <import_gpg_key> <all config:type="boolean">false</all> <keys config:type="list"> <keyid>2F7CFB3C4A50F8F6</keyid> </keys> </import_gpg_key> </signature-handling> </listentry> ---------- >8 ---------- You can see the (ugly, gory) details of what failed during installation in /var/log/YaST2/y2log (Just switch to the second terminal when your error message appears). That file is huge, so a grep for something like "THROW", "failed" or the name of your repo around the end of the file might be in order. tty, 686f6c6d