I downloaded file:

driverupdate_autoupgrade_sles11sp1 13-Jan-2012 14:51   5.4M  

and added it to my initrd (cat driverupdate_autoupgrade_sles11sp1 >> /boot/upgrade/initrd)

rebooted my SLES 10 SP4 server and selected "title Upgrade" but it's stuck in


initrd /upgrade/initrd


Probing EDD (edd=off to disable)... ok

Am I missing something?

Thank you !!

Nefi M.

>>> Uwe Gansert <ug@suse.de> 2/24/2012 3:41 PM >>>
Am 24.02.2012 um 17:23 schrieb Nefi Munoz:

> I'm unable to get chroot scripts to work in unattended upgrade (SLES 10 SP4 to SLES 11 SP1 Everything else works fine) Before initiating entire unattended upgrade process, I modified /boot/grub/menu.lst "Default" line to "Default 3" which corresponds to "title Upgrade" and I added chroot script to autoupg.xml to change "Default" back to 0 before first boot, but this is not working (upon reboot Default is still 3) 

the released driver update has a bug.
I put a fixed dud into the download area a few weeks ago.

we need to release a new dud via maintenance update soon but until then, please use the DUD from here:

ciao, Uwe Gansert

SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, HRB 16746 (AG Nürnberg)
GF: Jeff Hawn, Jennifer Guild, Felix Imendörffer
Home: http://www.suse.de/~ug - Blog: http://suse.gansert.net

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