Hi, Try specifying some vga mode in the boot options, i.e. vga=791. Anas Frank Steiner wrote:
Nicholas DeClario wrote:
I have seen this happen as well in 9.1 and not in 9.0. I have a similiar setup as you do as well. PXE boot for a network install. I do see X popup for a moment, the graphic display switches, I see the X background and mouse cursor than it switches back to textmode.
I have investigated the problem at this time since textmode is actually what I want to be in at this time.
Nice to see that I'm not the only one :-)
Well, I guess this is not an AY problem, since the problem also occurs then I don't instruct linuxrc to call AY. I guess I will report it to the general SuSE feedback.
However, Anas, if you want some more information for yourself, please let me know.
For those who run into the same problem: Using vnc works. Specify vnc=1 vncpassword=install (or whatever password) as parameter e.g. in the append line in pxelinux.cfg, and you can get yast in graphical mode via vnc from a different computer.
cu, Frank