Re: [opensuse-artwork] openSUSE 12.3 concept proposal: grow

"Richard Brown" 12/22/12 8:16 PM >>> This version of the design is now in the artwork github here: >
A slightly tweaked version, which includes the first svg files for each aspect ratio in preparation for packaging can be >found in the ilmehtar-v0.1 subfolder
And you can follow my progress producing everything needed for the openSUSE branding package in my fork of the >openSUSE branding github repo here:
And for those who might be interested..the package based on the product of running make against the openSUSE branding repository has been submitted for entry to factory The result isn't perfect, not by a long shot - the conversion to JPG seems to have caused 'clumps' to form on the noise, I think my quick and dirty work on improving the gradients and glows isn't ideal, etc etc But it's a start, and if accepted it'll be in factory for the entire factory testing community to provide feedback on..and hopefully they'll find this mailing list and throw most of their feedback in here so we dont need to look around quite so much My first priority is to look into generating the noise via vector rather than raster means, in the hope that it might help smooth things out in the conversion process (and even if it doesn't, it should dramatically reduce the filesize, which I think the Release Team might object to, being over double the previous branding size..) But just because I'm doing it, doesn't mean no one else can beat me to it or work on other changes..everything possible with this design is out there in either the artwork github (for playing around), the branding github (for preparation for packaging) and now in OBS (if you want to download the package and see how it 'fits' on your machine) Enjoy! -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: To contact the owner, e-mail: -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: To contact the owner, e-mail:

Hi all ! a quicky preview of another proposal of mine: Bye I will upload to GitHub too -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: To contact the owner, e-mail:

On Saturday 22 of December 2012 20:39:05 Richard Brown wrote:
"Richard Brown" 12/22/12 8:16 PM >>>
This version of the design is now in the artwork github here:
A slightly tweaked version, which includes the first svg files for each aspect ratio in preparation for packaging can be >found in the ilmehtar-v0.1 subfolder tar-v0.1
And you can follow my progress producing everything needed for the openSUSE branding package in my fork of the >openSUSE branding github repo here: And for those who might be interested..the package based on the product of running make against the openSUSE branding repository has been submitted for entry to factory
Tried it, looks great, love the added texture ;-) -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: To contact the owner, e-mail:

Yes I like that background too ! Here's a preview, a mix of that dark background with my proposal Bye -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: To contact the owner, e-mail:

On Saturday 22 of December 2012 22:39:55 Victor hck wrote:
Yes I like that background too ! Here's a preview, a mix of that dark background with my proposal Like this one also :-D
Bye -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: To contact the owner, e-mail:

On Saturday 22 of December 2012 20:39:05 Richard Brown wrote:
"Richard Brown" 12/22/12 8:16 PM >>>
This version of the design is now in the artwork github here:
A slightly tweaked version, which includes the first svg files for each aspect ratio in preparation for packaging can be >found in the ilmehtar-v0.1 subfolder tar-v0.1
And you can follow my progress producing everything needed for the openSUSE branding package in my fork of the >openSUSE branding github repo here: And for those who might be interested..the package based on the product of running make against the openSUSE branding repository has been submitted for entry to factory
Quick-tip - for latest KDE in Factory, you'll need to change kdelibs branding, body-background.jpg --> body-background.png (but that is not specific to your package) -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: To contact the owner, e-mail:

On Saturday 22 of December 2012 20:39:05 Richard Brown wrote:
"Richard Brown" 12/22/12 8:16 PM >>>
This version of the design is now in the artwork github here:
A slightly tweaked version, which includes the first svg files for each aspect ratio in preparation for packaging can be >found in the ilmehtar-v0.1 subfolder tar-v0.1
And you can follow my progress producing everything needed for the openSUSE branding package in my fork of the >openSUSE branding github repo here: And for those who might be interested..the package based on the product of running make against the openSUSE branding repository has been submitted for entry to factory
And here's a screenshot of lightdm KDE greeter utilizing our plasma theme and the branding you packaged :-)

On Thursday 27 December 2012 11:40:03 šumski wrote:
And you can follow my progress producing everything needed for the openSUSE branding package in my fork of the >openSUSE branding github repo here:
And for those who might be interested..the package based on the product of running make against the openSUSE branding repository has been submitted for entry to factory
And here's a screenshot of lightdm KDE greeter utilizing our plasma theme and the branding you packaged :-)
This looks indeed good, but let's see if lightdm can become the new standard login manager. For now it doesn't support systemd-logind (working without ConsoleKit). But I am wondering what the artwork-team thoughts are on how to integrate this into a plymouth bootsplash theme ? Raymond -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: To contact the owner, e-mail:

Thats probably a good idea. Maybe add a simple animation that can introduce the tail into the wait boot time. I will check how creative a plymouth theme with this idea can be. Andy (anditosan) On Dec 30, 2012, at 10:16 AM, Raymond Wooninck <> wrote:
On Thursday 27 December 2012 11:40:03 šumski wrote:
And you can follow my progress producing everything needed for the openSUSE branding package in my fork of the >openSUSE branding github repo here:
And for those who might be interested..the package based on the product of running make against the openSUSE branding repository has been submitted for entry to factory
And here's a screenshot of lightdm KDE greeter utilizing our plasma theme and the branding you packaged :-)
This looks indeed good, but let's see if lightdm can become the new standard login manager. For now it doesn't support systemd-logind (working without ConsoleKit).
But I am wondering what the artwork-team thoughts are on how to integrate this into a plymouth bootsplash theme ?
Raymond -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: To contact the owner, e-mail:
-- To unsubscribe, e-mail: To contact the owner, e-mail:

On Sun, 30 Dec 2012 14:44:56 -0700 Andres Silva <> wrote:
Thats probably a good idea. Maybe add a simple animation that can introduce the tail into the wait boot time.
I will check how creative a plymouth theme with this idea can be.
Any animation is a script. (Not sure where to look for scripts though) Also, with a tail, there is no much of animation choices that are not very complicated as scripts. It is probably easier to use whole Geeko. For instance: * Geeko running over the screen. It requires few fixed size sprites. * use small Geeko as a slider on a normal progress bar, or * use bigger that will have tail where it comes slider. The point of my previous email was not to replace wine with tail, but to base whole design on growing wine. We have so many Geekos used all over the place that we can skip it here without anyone noticing that :) -- Regards, Rajko. -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: To contact the owner, e-mail:

On Sunday 30 December 2012 17:02:03 Rajko wrote:
I will check how creative a plymouth theme with this idea can be.
Any animation is a script. (Not sure where to look for scripts though)
Well, currently the Plymouth theme is just one script with a number of graphical files. The 12.2 theme has a background, logo and then the white dot that moves around the screen. So one script and three graphical files. The script controls the theme and describes what should be done at what time. There are quite some examples around on diverse websites that has some nice plymouth themes. I also just combined some examples together into the 12.2 Plymouth theme.
Also, with a tail, there is no much of animation choices that are not very complicated as scripts. It is probably easier to use whole Geeko. For instance:
* Geeko running over the screen. It requires few fixed size sprites. * use small Geeko as a slider on a normal progress bar, or * use bigger that will have tail where it comes slider.
Don't use sliders or progress bars. I had that with the initial 12.2 theme and there is showed that during shutdown the progress bar is not that accurate and you might end up with only a half-filled progress bar and the boot process is ready.
The point of my previous email was not to replace wine with tail, but to base whole design on growing wine. We have so many Geekos used all over the place that we can skip it here without anyone noticing that :)
My advice here would be to keep things simple and elegant. Regards Raymond -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: To contact the owner, e-mail:

On Mon, 31 Dec 2012 09:00:10 +0100 Raymond Wooninck <> wrote:
... The script controls the theme and describes what should be done at what time. There are quite some examples around on diverse websites that has some nice plymouth themes. I also just combined some examples together into the 12.2 Plymouth theme.
OK. Already looking some.
* Geeko running over the screen. It requires few fixed size sprites.
This should be simple: Example of flying butterfly adjusted to running Geeko
* use small Geeko as a slider on a normal progress bar, or * use bigger that will have tail where it comes slider.
Don't use sliders or progress bars. I had that with the initial 12.2 theme and there is showed that during shutdown the progress bar is not that accurate and you might end up with only a half-filled progress bar and the boot process is ready.
I noticed that too. Dots are very fast on boot with SSD disk in play, but lazy on shutdown. When shutdown is done dots are still far from center. So, slider or "slider", must be centered and going left and right, or something similar, without obvious limits where it must end.
The point of my previous email was not to replace wine with tail, but to base whole design on growing wine. We have so many Geekos used all over the place that we can skip it here without anyone noticing that :)
My advice here would be to keep things simple and elegant.
Growing wine can be both, although the work to make that is another pair of shoes. It is some work to make wine grow, and it is even more to make that minimal in size. With more use of CPU options are huge. For some idea how small code can be there is and other examples on that site. Special is #1, Christmas Tree. It is work of genius. -- Regards, Rajko. -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: To contact the owner, e-mail:

On Monday 31 December 2012 05:20:30 Rajko wrote:
* Geeko running over the screen. It requires few fixed size
This should be simple: Example of flying butterfly adjusted to running Geeko
The question is however if we want to have multiple Geeko's on the screen. One of the major important items is that the background does NOT change from Grub2 -> Plymouth -> KDM/GDM -> Desktop Splash -> Wallpaper. Only then you will have a smooth graphical boot. In the past this was easy as that the background was just color (in different gradients). Now the Grow background has the vine with the Geeko on it. So this is a given also for the Plymouth bootsplash. Therefore I am not so sure that we really want to introduce another Geeko that is running over the screen.
So, slider or "slider", must be centered and going left and right, or something similar, without obvious limits where it must end.
This could work, but the question is what do we want to achieve with it ? If it doesn't indicate anything anymore, then why put it in the first place. Regards Raymond -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: To contact the owner, e-mail:

Am 31.12.2012 13:12, schrieb Raymond Wooninck:
On Monday 31 December 2012 05:20:30 Rajko wrote:
* Geeko running over the screen. It requires few fixed size
This should be simple: Example of flying butterfly adjusted to running Geeko
The question is however if we want to have multiple Geeko's on the screen. One of the major important items is that the background does NOT change from Grub2 -> Plymouth -> KDM/GDM -> Desktop Splash -> Wallpaper. Only then you will have a smooth graphical boot. In the past this was easy as that the background was just color (in different gradients). Now the Grow background has the vine with the Geeko on it. So this is a given also for the Plymouth bootsplash.
Therefore I am not so sure that we really want to introduce another Geeko that is running over the screen.
So, slider or "slider", must be centered and going left and right, or something similar, without obvious limits where it must end.
One idea could be to place just a spinner in the middle of the screen, indicating the progress and animate some of the background elements. Greets Marucs -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: To contact the owner, e-mail:

On Mon, 31 Dec 2012 13:12:40 +0100 Raymond Wooninck <> wrote:
Therefore I am not so sure that we really want to introduce another Geeko that is running over the screen.
If it looks nice, then Geeko is ok, but vine is primary goal. Actually, primary goal is to have branding ready on time, with animated vine or not.
... If it doesn't indicate anything anymore, then why put it in the first place.
It is indicating that system is running, booting or shutting down. The 12.2 indicator seems to be detached from any actual events. It happens here that during boot all dots are in center, but system is not going to next screen. (I use different images, so I can see phases in a boot process.) -- Regards, Rajko. -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: To contact the owner, e-mail:

On Sun, 30 Dec 2012 18:16:08 +0100 Raymond Wooninck <> wrote:
This looks indeed good, but let's see if lightdm can become the new standard login manager. For now it doesn't support systemd-logind (working without ConsoleKit).
In other words we have to skip it this time.
But I am wondering what the artwork-team thoughts are on how to integrate this into a plymouth bootsplash theme ?
You worked on integration, so you know how boot process works from grub, to plymouth, k/gdm login, and finally session. Do you have time to put that in the wiki, so that everyone can familiarize with general process? -- Regards, Rajko. -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: To contact the owner, e-mail:

Hi Rajko, On Sunday 30 December 2012 17:10:44 Rajko wrote:
On Sun, 30 Dec 2012 18:16:08 +0100
Raymond Wooninck <> wrote:
This looks indeed good, but let's see if lightdm can become the new standard login manager. For now it doesn't support systemd-logind (working without ConsoleKit).
In other words we have to skip it this time.
Well, we have some patches from Fedora, that creates a working situation. But the lightdm maintenance team was not really happy to accept those. So I guess we need to skip it unless a miracle happens and lightdm upstream suddenly supports systemd.
You worked on integration, so you know how boot process works from grub, to plymouth, k/gdm login, and finally session.
Do you have time to put that in the wiki, so that everyone can familiarize with general process?
I can give it a try, however I only did the plymouth theme in the past. Grub/Grub2 was done by Michael Chang (mchang) and K/Gdm login sessions were based on the existing artwork. Regards Raymond -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: To contact the owner, e-mail:

On Mon, 31 Dec 2012 09:02:59 +0100 Raymond Wooninck <> wrote:
I can give it a try, however I only did the plymouth theme in the past. Grub/Grub2 was done by Michael Chang (mchang) and K/Gdm login sessions were based on the existing artwork.
Then we have to see how Michael and those familiar with k/gdm can help. I can help with general wiki stuff, like selection of title and tags (categories), templates. Once I understand basics, I can help with article, but as of right now, we are all somewhat blind on exact process, its limitations and controls. -- Regards, Rajko. -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: To contact the owner, e-mail:
participants (7)
Andres Silva
Marcus Moeller
Raymond Wooninck
Richard Brown
Victor hck