The openSUSE Project is opening the call for participation in the openSUSE Conference 2009, to be held September 17 through 20 in Nuremberg, Germany. We're looking for contributors to openSUSE, upstream projects, and members of the openSUSE community to participate. The summit will be an opportunity to bring the openSUSE contributor community together to share ideas, experience, hack, and help guide the direction of the project. So we're looking to members of the community to give presentations, tutorials, and lead birds of a feather and panel sessions in several tracks: * Community: Marketing, translations, wiki, documentation, forums, and openSUSE governance. * Desktop: Topics related to the openSUSE desktop, including KDE, GNOME, Xfce, and applications. * Server: Use of openSUSE on the server or development of server applications. * Toolchain and System: The kernel, YaST, packaging, and openSUSE Build Service. * Open Day: Saturday will include a track for openSUSE users and people new to Linux. If you're interested in presenting at the openSUSE Summit, fill out the Call for Participation Form[3] with all of the details for your participation. We're accepting talks, tutorials, birds of a feather, and panel discussion submissions. (Birds of feather sessions will be scheduled after hours.) The summit will not be entirely composed of prepared presentations, so we will be accepting a limited number of proposals. Important Deadlines =================== Submission deadline for proposals: June 5, 2009 Notification of acceptance or rejection: June 26, 2009 Submission deadline for full versions (or slides): September 3, 2009 All submissions are due before 12:00 UTC on the given date. Links ===== [1] Announcement: [2] Conference Organizers: [3] Call for Participation Form: