Hi all, With the release of the last update (tor) on January 16th, 2023 the SUSE sponsored maintenance of openSUSE Leap 15.3 has ended. openSUSE Leap 15.3 is now officially discontinued and out of support by SUSE. The currently maintained stable release is openSUSE Leap 15.4, which will be maintained until around end of 2023 (same lifetime as SLES 15 SP4 regular support). See https://en.opensuse.org/Lifetime Upgrading is easy. See the links below for instructions: https://doc.opensuse.org/documentation/leap/startup/html/book-opensuse-start... https://en.opensuse.org/SDB:System_upgrade https://en.opensuse.org/SDB:Offline_upgrade openSUSE Leap 15.3 was released end of June 2nd 2020, making it 18 months of security and bugfix support. This was the first release in the new "Closing the Leap Gap" model, where we reuse SUSE Linux Enterprise binaries directly for Leap and no longer rebuild their sources. We faced some issues: - openSUSE Leap 15.3 now imports from 3 different package sources (openSUSE Leap + SLE + openSUSE Backports) instead of just one. The initial product setup did not have all the repositories configured, we fixed that via a openSUSE-release package update. - The initial SLE update export method was not working well (basically all existing RPMs, with concatenated updateinfo) and resulted in lots of version related errors, so we switched to a different method in the first weeks. - The SLE repo contains all 4 architectures, and is growing very big in metadata, causing computers to loads double digit megabytes every day of metadata. This is still an unsolved issue with Leap 15.4. Some statistics on the released patches (compared to Leap 15.2), now also split between repos. Agenda: current number (15.2 number / total diff) Total updates: 2486 (1976 / +510 ) - 330 from Backports (~13%) - 77 from Leap (~3%) - 2079 from SLE (~83%) Updates used from SUSE Linux Enterprise: 2079 (1454 / +625 ) Updates provided by community developers: 407 (522 / -115 ) Security: 1109 (778 / +331) - 161 from Backports (~14%) - 20 from Leap (~1%) - 928 from SLE (~83%) Recommended: 1284 (1172 / +112) - 169 from Backports (~13%) - 57 from Leap (~4%) - 1058 from SLE (~82%) Optional: 47 (23 / +24) - 0 from Backports - 0 from Leap - 47 from SLE Feature: 46 (3 / +43) - 0 from Backports - 0 from Leap - 46 from SLE Retracted updates: 5 (2 / +3) - 0 from Backports - 0 from Leap - 5 from SLE (multipath-tools, cpio, 2x Linux Kernel, libslirp) (excluding 2 x test updates) Fixed CVE-entries: 3234 (2357 / +877) - 857 from Backports (~26%) - 53 from Leap (~ 1%) - 2366 from SLE (~73%) (note that these numbers do not add up exactly as some CVEs are in more than one of the repos) Fixed Bugs (overall): 5672 (5669 / +3) - 384 from Backports (~6%) - 114 from Leap (~2%) - 5174 (~91%) A huge thanks to our awesome packagers, community, and all involved people, who made this possible! Your maintenance- and security-team. -- Marcus Meissner (he/him), Distinguished Engineer / Senior Project Manager Security SUSE Software Solutions Germany GmbH, Frankenstrasse 146, 90461 Nuernberg, Germany GF: Ivo Totev, Andrew Myers, Andrew McDonald, Martje Boudien Moerman, HRB 36809, AG Nuernberg