The openSUSE Conference team is happy to announce the sponsors for the
openSUSE Conference 2013 which have committed to helping make our event
Our Platinum sponsor is SUSE Linux GmbH, the main sponsor of the openSUSE
Silver sponsor this year is ARM, a prominent partner to many open source
Bronze sponsors are DevHdR, an Dutch independent IT specialist and Oracle,
delivering a wide variety of business hard- and software solutions
Supporters of the openSUSE Conference include it.auth, GRNET, Thessaloniki (as
European Youth Capital 2014), Kolabsys, CISCO.
Our main media partners this year are Delta Hacker, Linux Magazin and
We're very grateful to these partners and supporters as well as everybody who
supported us by promoting the conference or buying a supporter ticket!
You can find more details on our sponsors as well as the team organizing the
event this year on the openSUSE news site: