Hi Frank Frank Fabian sagte:
obviously, this is the wrong venue for this problem, as the many, many replies show :-) You'll most likely get better response on other lists, suse-kde or suse-linux e.g. Erm, I thought so, but I just tried out. No problem if ther come no more answers :o]
This would indeed suggest your problem has something to do with the settings for this specific user. Yes.
Any hints, suggestions and so on are much appreciated, I hate such senseless restrictions ... While I don't actually know how your problem came about and what could be wrong, I don't know either! Okay, I can't remember what I did exactly the time between using konqueror the last time fully functioning and the first time behaving like this, but I did not change any konqueror settings.
there is a procedure that often helps in such cases and might in yours as well. I suggest you remove the konqueror configuration files for this user found in ~/.kde/share/config/ and ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/ (simply rename them to yxz.backup or something like that), then restart KDE with this user. Yes this was my suggestin to do as last possibility, but I think I have to do so *sigh*
Thanks for your answer anyway, Frank! Best regards, Nicole -- Das Einkommen ist die Provision, die einem der Staat fuer die Erarbeitung der Steuern zuerkennt