Re: [opensuse-ambassadors] Welcoming E-1

On Tue, 2010-12-21 at 23:54 +0800, Mohd Hidzuan wrote:
Hi guys..
may I know, as ambassador, do we have official email like "" .. just wondering to be official to persuade public.. ;-)
No Its not possible as of now. Only members are entitled for an oo email alias :) But being at the planet, ambassador list etc also proves your credibility Regards Manu
- 102D A12B F078 CF46 39A6 B276 7A01 9650 7FEA A5B1
On Sat, Dec 4, 2010 at 8:07 PM, Manu Gupta <> wrote: Hi All
Please welcome E-1 / Hidzuan to our team. Below are the set of questions he responded to
> Hi all, > > I'm Hidzuan. But people call me "e1" . ;-) > > As introduction. I'm a IT Freelancer since 2005. I was a System > Administrator for the 3D Animation (Long Format). But that company got > a financial problem so they shutdown the operation on 13th May 2005. > Since that day, I become a IT Freelancer to serve all the company that > need a a solution especially open source solution. > > Beside that, I'm also a part-time tutor and Subject Matter Expert > (SME) for several subject like Network Management and several Open > Source subject such as Open Source Licensing and Legal Issues > Introduction to Open Source. > > What have you done already for openSUSE? > > Actually, I have done a several things for me and the solution based > on the openSuSE. In the middile of this years, I was working with one > of the secondary teacher to use OpenSuSE LiFe Education for their lab. > The best thing about what we have done was, this lab occupied by a > special student which has a problem in learning like normal student. > By using the OpenSuSe it's seem that some of them can perform very > well for every games in the distro. > > Currently, I'm working with one of the government agency in ministry > of education to contribute a good how-to in Bahasa Malaysia (my > national language for Malaysian), this project still on progress. We > are working to prepare a good material that we can use for others > Malaysian as well. I hope we can officially upload in the wiki after > we finish some chapters. > > What are your plans for promoting openSUSE? Please tell us what > you want to do the next 6 months. > > I'm a IT Freelancer. So as we knew already, as IT Freelancer I don't > have any base to show the capability on what openSuSe can provide to > world.. ;-). But, by next month, I got a permission to use some space > at my cousin shop. And the best thing that was computer shop, so to > become an ambassador is the right path to me to get official > merchandise from you all to promote more on OpenSuSE. After all, I can > assist to any public to try the future OS on today PC plus my cousin > shop can become a mini hub of solution based on openSuSE. > > Are you ready to start promoting openSUSE? > > Yes, I am. > > What do you think is the best kept secret of openSUSE? > > ActuallyI don’t quite understand the question, but I could say that I > like openSUSE because of The powerful and supremcacy. For me, Desktops > must be easy and have more funcionalities without forget the > stability and performance. > > Why do you love to do this? > > I believe in free solution will make a better place for today world > and I believe also the future of proprietary solution will be extinct > soon, and I want make part from this history... ;-) > > How did you start with with Linux/openSUSE? What is your level > of experience? > > I started with Mandrake and Fedora 3 at training centre. Then I found > that openSuSe 9.3 was much better for me. I started using since 2004 > on a spare computer as my workstation at my offfice. After that, I > change my OS from Fedora to OpenSuSE for my home computer. Then I > start to influeced my family member to use Linux to replace the > Windows.. oppss..I tried several distros, like many new Linux users > but still > > I found that openSuSe still my favourite until today. I still stick on > the power of geeko. > > I've done a some coaching on openSuSe for a student to use a parallel > solution to compute something to use in engineering. As a freelance, > I;m also attach to any governemnt and private agency to use openSuse > for the solution. For me, Linux has meant a lot of learning to utilize > a free solution to become a priceless solution for better world for > us. > > > > Best regards Hidzuan. > > > > > > - 102D A12B F078 CF46 39A6 B276 7A01 9650 7FEA A5B1 > Regards Manu
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Manu Gupta