Hi, I would like to announce an important milestone in the YCP Killer project -- we made the installer working. You can download the image that proves it here: http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/YaST:/Head:/ruby/images/iso/ The image is 12.3-based installation DVD with YaST modules from master translated into Ruby. It is able to install a working system. We use a miniDVD for fast rebuilds during development, but a full image will likely work too. Big thanks to Josef Reidinger and Ladislav Slezák who made the installer work! Details About the Image ----------------------- At the URL above there are actually two images -- a continually rebuilt development one and a snapshot of a known working image. We encourage you to try the former as it will generally contain newer code and less bugs. To test the image, you need to boot it with "insecure=1" boot option as the installer is not signed by the official SUSE GPG signing key. During the installation you need to accept the GPG key used in YaST:Head:ruby project. Also note that because the ISO image contains only packages for minimal system, in the Desktop Selection installer dialog you need to choose Other -> "Minimal Server Selection (Text Mode)" for the software selection, otherwise you'll get solver errors for missing packages. Packages & Testing ------------------ Ruby-based YaST packages (used for building the image described above) can be found in the YaST:Head:ruby repository on OBS. Note we successfully translated all packages with YCP code, not only those used in the installer. [*] We'd like to encourage everyone to try Rubyfied YaST2 packages, run them on their systems/VMs, and report any bugs. It would be especially useful if module owners test their own modules, since they know where the tricky parts are and how to test them in the best way. (Disclaimer: While the installer seems to be working but, we do not recommend using the code at production systems with important data.) Any bugs in translated packages (meaning: they don't appear with YCP code in master) should be reported as GitHub issues against the YCP Killer project: https://github.com/yast/ycp-killer/issues The best bug reports are of course those where the reporter is able to debug which Ruby code is causing the bug. The YCP Killer project is also the main entry point if you are interested in the translation. Future ------ So, what we plan to do next? Three things: * Test all translated modules intensely and make sure they run properly. * Make the testsuite run and is green with translated code. * Make the translated code beautiful (so far we only focused on the "make it work" part). We also need to figure out the best way and time to integrate the work into Factory/13.1. I guess you'll see some discussion/e-mails regarding this topic soon. Overall, it seems the project is going well and we are (more or less) on track. [*] We exclude packages that have been dropped and we don't translate some YCP code that will need manual rewrite anyway, e.g. examples/documentation. -- David Majda SUSE Studio developer http://susestudio.com/ -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: yast-devel+unsubscribe@opensuse.org To contact the owner, e-mail: yast-devel+owner@opensuse.org