Hello all and JFTR, [CC'ed to opensuse-de] @opensuse-de: Übersetzung usw. gibt's auf Nachfrage On Tue, 09 Dec 2014, Carlos E. R. wrote: [..]
Notice that the "Shell link..." entry is missing. Why?
The update I pushed which disables fish aka "Shell link" has, according to http://software.opensuse.org/package/mc, arrived at all (still) supported distro-versions (i.e. are 12.3 and 13.1) by now (look at the "official update" versions!, they're all at 4.8.13 for oS_12.3-oS_Factory). If you (on 12.3/13.1) want to check why I disabled fish, test this before you install the update: $ mkdir /tmp/foo $ chmod a-w /tmp/foo $ cp whatever foo_to_be_moved_but_will_be_deleted $ mc . . - start your sshd allowing password based login locally (that's another problem with ssh/sftp in mc which can be ignored for this) - In mc now choose shell-link/fish to connect to localhost, change to localhost:/tmp/foo as target (and stay local with the "source"). - Now, as source, select the file foo_to_be_moved_but_will_be_deleted. - Then "Move" the file from "local" to "shell-link/fish" via F6. You'll get an error (no write permission), as expected. BUT YOUR SOURCE foo_to_be_moved_but_will_be_deleted WILL BE GONE TOO as if the "move" had succeeded! NOT good, eh? The passing of the error back from the VFS is broken. Fixing that is rather complex. And, ISTR, that's not the only problem of the fish-vfs. So, what's the prudent path for a maintainer (and not a C-guru at that) to take? Indefinitely wait for upstream? Or, as a kind of "stop-gap" measure disable fish? There is an upstream bug pending, I intend to again reproduce above and push the matter. If you can reproduce too, join in the "fun". Oh, and if anyone is willing and able to dig into the fish-code, you're more than welcome and upstream will probably accept any sane solution. Until then, use sftp, if that works for you (apparently it does so only passwd-based, even though the code hints at supporting key-based too). -dnh PS@Mark: sorry, still unable to reproduce your sftp workaround, but that is probably due to my local configuration. I still get no connect if it's not passwd-based. Ho hum, *blushing* I think I should check my "server-side" key-setup ... Currently, I use plain CLI ssh/scp to do what I need, with no TUI (as mc) or GUI involved. -- Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark; professionals built the Titanic. -- Anonymous -- Um die Liste abzubestellen, schicken Sie eine Mail an: opensuse-de+unsubscribe@opensuse.org Um den Listen Administrator zu erreichen, schicken Sie eine Mail an: opensuse-de+owner@opensuse.org