31 Jan
31 Jan
Hi, current fontconfig configuration[1] sets the highest priority for Microsoft font. If user install them (i.e. Times New Roman, Arial, Consolas) they will be set as _default_ for respectively families (sans-serif, sans, monospace). Why do we promote Microsoft fonts instead support open fonts, shipped with system? I propose[2] to downgrade those fonts. Thanks to this, we keep our default font settings but those MS fonts will be still available for use. Whats Your point of view in this case? [1] - http://wklej.org/hash/8b4a01a9dc/ [2] - http://wklej.org/hash/dc1f3fa218/ -- Pozdrawiam / Best regards, Mariusz Fik openSUSE Community Member GPG: 5FCE 7241 B3B9 32FD 455B C30E 42D6 6C88 9E83 7C3D