Michael and myself discussed this a bit further and asked our build experts to experiment a bit - and those first experiments are positive enough that I'm confident to tell you about them ;-). We're planning to put all languages that have according to the translation statistics page (http://i18n.opensuse.org/stats/index.php) more than 98 % translated to the media. Note this is the translation status for YaST and software provided by the openSUSE project and Novell folks, it does not include translation status of e.g. GNOME, KDE or OpenOffice.Org. We're working on the details on how exactly to do this - just DVD or also CDs (in that case on CD4+5) - but we're trying to do what can be done. So, this means that the following languages should get on the media - in addition to the existing ones: * Danish (100 %) * Finnish (100 %) * Hungarian (100 %) * Cambodian (99 %) * Norwegian (99 %) * Dutch (98 %) * Polish (99 %) I'm impressed with the level of translation that these teams have done! Note: We master on monday an internal RC2 and will check that everything really fits on the media. Our constraints are the space on the CDs and that the DVD5 should not be larger than 4 GB. I hope that's an acceptable solution for all, Andreas -- Andreas Jaeger, aj@suse.de, http://www.suse.de/~aj/ SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409 Nürnberg, Germany GPG fingerprint = 93A3 365E CE47 B889 DF7F FED1 389A 563C C272 A126