Hi, During the last week I worked on a project that I have on my TODO list for just too long: sending out mails about the state of factory packages. Too many people complain to me that they have no idea that their packages fail in factory or that they haven't seen the mail about the request X being declined, etc. So I collect the infos for each individual and send out reminders - my current idea is to send it out e.g every tuesday, but I can send it more often or less often as people say so. As an example I attach the mail as I would send it right now to Richard (because it has all interesting things and still isn't too long and I know he reads this list :) I would like to hear from you suggestions if this is useful to you and/or if you would like to see changes to make it more useful. I only send mail to the package maintainer as defined by the OBS flags and only if there is no maintainer set, I send mail to the project maintainers. This leads to the rather sad state, that a lot of people will get mail about packages they have no relation to. This is not a problem of the script, but a problem of some of the devel projects ;( So one thing to make this more useful (or the whole reporting) would be to set all people that have touched a specific package in the past also as package maintainers and either leave or cleanup the project maintainers. But that's a general topic that we should discuss instead of people starting to filter these mails. That's basically my main concern: I only want to send out mails that are interesting to the people reading it - even if it's auto generated content. So if the content is too long or too uninteresting, we need to change it. More examples of reminder mails you can find at http://stephan.kulow.org/reminders/ Greetings, Stephan