4 Nov
4 Nov
as topic title, next 21 November we will present the opensource version of the ECDL. Our goals are to use openSUSE and openSUSE-edu addon (and i'm proud to be an administrator) like base platform, with openOffice instead on MS Office. We will use that event to show Kiwi-LTSP too. That posters will be used http://www.flossie.it/Images/Poster1.pdf http://www.flossie.it/Images/Poster2.pdf that is the situation... 1st) of course we will spread word about openSUSE, so i would like to ask for *promoDVDs* 2nd) i would like to print a poster like that: http://lizards.opensuse.org/wp-content/uploads/2008/09/pict2914.jpg any idea where can i find a file to edit and then print? thanks.. Andrea