Hi all, We got lots of feedback from you all, also on the process. Many did not appreciate the long and complicated emails. We discussed this in the team and Tomáš Chvátal told us how Gentoo shares a nicely documented change process with Python and Debian already. Essentially, they use a standardized document which ensures that whenever something has to be discussed, all information is there right at the start. This shortens discussions, avoids bikeshedding (see [1]) and afterwards you have a nice stash of proper proposals in archive. The proposal is essentially based off of the Python document, simplified and adapted to openSUSE. It does not change how decisions are made or by who, just speeds up the process, keeps the discussions clean and documents their results thus avoiding future flames. We think it would be great for openSUSE to adapt them. Attached to this mail there's a draft with a recursive OSEP in the proper, proposed form, let us know what you think ;-) Note that the draft we made only proposes to use this for big changes to our process, not technical things like replacing sysvinit with systemd. FYI, Agustin has written on our team blog about the proposals, giving an overview of what's out: http://lizards.opensuse.org/?p=10230 -- The openSUSE Team [1] http://blog.jospoortvliet.com/2011/09/bikeshedding-and-cls.html