The two new packages, that I had ready two weeks ago but for libredland-python bindings being needed for lv2config which isn't even needed by others to build so far they use the pkg-config .pc. I became aware of the need for LV2 from this private email on new years day : I am using your Ardour-2.8.11-24.36.x86_64.rpm. Ardour can't find LV2 plugins Can you make it with LV2 enabled for opensuse 11.3 x86_64 greeting Anton vd Haterd Both packages are in multimedia:libs. It wasn't a simple task to enable because I had to hunt down and create slv2 which needs lv2core, the base LV2 package to build. I've since discovered other multimedia packages that use this simple and easy to use plugin system, which it turns out is not limited to audio, the latest being "gstreamer-0_10-plugins-bad". http://lv2plug.in/docs/index.php?title=Main_Page The lv2core package is entirely a devel package with the lv2config being python, using redland python bindings, I'm relying on X11:common:Factory to get the updated redland package into factory (Vincent if you have any influence can you please help that? sr#59432 ). Taken from the header of lvconfig (this also explains the author and license, slv2 is GPLv2+) : """A program (and Python module) to generate a tree of symlinks to LV2 extension bundles, where the path of the symlink corresponds to the URI of the extension. This allows including extension headers in code without using the bundle name. Including extension headers in this way is much better, since there is no dependency on the (meaningless and non-persistent) bundle name in the code using the header. For example, after running lv2config (and setting the compiler include path appropriately), LV2 headers could be included like so: #include "lv2/lv2plug.in/ns/lv2core/lv2.h" #include "lv2/lv2plug.in/ns/ext/event/event.h" #include "lv2/example.org/foo/foo.h" Where the initial "lv2" is arbitrary; in this case lv2config's output directory was "lv2", and that directory's parent was added to the compiler include search path. It is a good idea to use such a prefix directory so domain names do not conflict with anything else in the include path. """ __authors__ = 'David Robillard' __license = 'GNU GPL v3 or later <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>' __contact__ = 'devel@lists.lv2plug.in' __date__ = '2010-10-05' The slv2 package is a helper package for lv2core. Pasted from http://drobilla.net/software/slv2/ : SLV2 is a library to make the use of LV2 plugins as simple as possible for applications. SLV2 is free software (GPL v2 or later) written in C99 using the Redland RDF toolkit, and is known to work on GNU/Linux and Mac OS X. Documentation SLV2 documentation is installed as standard UNIX man pages, see man slv2 HTML Documentation can be built from the source distribution using ./waf configure --build-docs, or you can browse documentation online. Bugs SLV2 is well-tested software, the included test suite consists of 255 tests with over 90% code coverage. Please file any bugs you find here I will post the submit requests numbers when I've completed them. Thanks in advance. (I've mentioned in past emails about not being paid well having these packages accepted to 11.4 will be payment enough.) Now I must get back to getting multimediaa;libs and then apps up to date and in good condition for 11.4, as I did with 11.3 although then I could only just spell packager now I are one. Dave Plater -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-factory+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-factory+help@opensuse.org