Hi everybody, I'm working at RENAULT Automotive and we are involved in the GenIVI alliance. For testing purpose, we need an OBS private instance for building our software stack and keep all of application graphics confidential. So I have started to install and configure a OBS instance using the opensuse wiki : http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Build_Service_private_instance (written by Dominig Ar Foll as I understood) This was very useful for preparing the hardware, configuring the disk, downloading all the software images. With all these in formations, I was able to start quite quickly the OBS instance. I think, the wiki should contain a section concerning the quick test installation using only one hard drive (containing every things) . This solution wouldn't be safe at all for data's, but this would reduce the disk preparation to copying the appliance to it . But, the wiki is very complete to set an production OBS instance (with lots of optimizations) . But to set up this kind of Instance, you need an agreement from the management because you will need to buy a few equipment and the agreement could be easily obtained from a Demo based on an initial quick and dirty OBS installation. When the appliance started, it clearly does nothing and problems have started . (And there is no error message anywhere . That's driving crazy) First what was missing in the wiki was the proxy configuration (Dominig, with it great experience and with lot of patience, help me a lot to set up this proxy configuration). So, I have added a small section in the wiki corresponding to this. While the proxy is configured . the OBS still does nothing (Aaaargh !) Here is comes the tricky part . All tutorial on the net are based on copying the prj prjconf from another OBS instance, for which a login is required . I didn't understand anything to all of these . But it seems also that OBS has evolved a lot and all of these exotic manipulation aren't any more required for quickstarting a linked OBS . (but they maybe are for a standalone OBS instance) . Well, as a complementary information, I have used the 2.2.80 version on the OBS Appliance. Dominig show me the alternative way and almost everything can be done using only the WebUI .. Yes in that case, your OBS will be linked to an higher OBS instance, but this is sufficient for beginning .. So, the only thing that couldn't be done by the WebUI is to setup the OSC configuration file . (in fact, I don't now if it is mandatory regarding the OBS configuration but it's a very easy way to check that the OBS is properly configured). The tricks that Dominig has proposed is modify the .ossrc file to make the "apiurl" line pointing to the OBS that your are trying to configure. In that way, this insures that retrieval information mechanism will be done by the OBS itself. So it will also insure that the proxy settings are correct (remembering some headache!!!) . After that, thing becomes quite easy. I have used the OBS setup on the WebUI and select one of the 2 preconfigured choices. After switching back to the osc command line on the OBS itself, I have issued some osc ls MeeGo.com (as MeeGo.com is predefined settings) command which returns nothing . But osc ls MeeGo. Com: x (where x is not a project name) and I get the complete list of all available project on the linked instance : That means, my obs is now alive and working !!! The final point was to define a build target . It take some times to understand that would be done by configuring properly the home projet of the Admin . (Now, I know that could be done on any project .) Dominig explain me what I need to add with raw config editor in the home:Admin project. He says, put the following line inside the Admin:project <repository name="MeeGo.com"> <path repository="standard" project=" MeeGo.com:MeeGo:1.2.0:oss"/> <arch>i586</arch> </repository> I understand a bit later the exact meaning of each line . Finally I upload a source package (from meego source) and it build ... bingo ! So as a conclusion, setting up a linked Private instance of an OBS is not complicated . But, I didn't find this on the net . And clearly the name OBS didn't help for this. Working in automotive world, we are sometimes searching for information about the CAN (Controler Area Network) technology which is the embedded automotive network . You can easily imagine that CAN isn't a relevant keyword with Google. OBS seems to have nearly at the same efficiency!!! So I think, I will add this configuration method on the opensuse wiki . My chance was, that Dominig is a very nice guy and I met him at a previous GenIVI workshop . Without his help, I would be still searching on the web !!! (and surely becoming crazy..) Xavier JAFFREZIC RENAULT Automotive Research Depatrment Software Specialist -- Disclaimer ------------------------------------ Ce message ainsi que les eventuelles pieces jointes constituent une correspondance privee et confidentielle a l'attention exclusive du destinataire designe ci-dessus. Si vous n'etes pas le destinataire du present message ou une personne susceptible de pouvoir le lui delivrer, il vous est signifie que toute divulgation, distribution ou copie de cette transmission est strictement interdite. Si vous avez recu ce message par erreur, nous vous remercions d'en informer l'expediteur par telephone ou de lui retourner le present message, puis d'effacer immediatement ce message de votre systeme. *** This e-mail and any attachments is a confidential correspondence intended only for use of the individual or entity named above. 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