present: aj, coolo, mls. tschmidt, adrian, mrueckert Topic: * 2.0 Release 2.0 Release =========== Status: * Feature complete and ready to be released / deployed, except for read access permission handling. To be submitted until evening by LF. We will use the day to test and cleanup in meta file version handling and undelete features.. Known blocker bugs for 2.0 final: * Crash in webui for empty projects * source service support in webui is broken, either drop or fix * Focus switching via tab keyboard key is not visible in webui atm. * Change login link to a simple form page in case java script is not enabled. Change Candidates: * Popups on request page are not working well enough (details can be found in laster week status mail). -- Adrian Schroeter SUSE Linux Products GmbH email: adrian@suse.de