Our Basilisk Lizard has shown this week its other side and I'd like to thank especially Jürgen, Lars, Christoph, Steffen, Jiri, Ladislav for taming the lizard. Fights come with a prize to pay - ours are two-fold: The PowerPC distribution and the CD installation. We only have DVDs for i386 and x86-64 this time. They are available via ftp.opensuse.org and its mirrors. Mini-ISOs for remote installation are available as well. So, there are neither CDs nor deltas. If you download the DVDs, check the media sizes first, they are: openSUSE-10.2-Alpha5-DVD-i386.iso: 4165675008 bytes openSUSE-10.2-Alpha5-DVD-x86_64.iso: 4203270144 bytes Since most webservers are not setup to deliver files greater than 2 GB via http and our download.opensuse.org handles http download mainly, please use ftp to download from one of the known mirrors (see e.g. http://en.opensuse.org/Factory_Mirror_List). The URL for the DVDs torrents are: http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/openSUSE-10.2-Alpha5/openSUSE-10.2... http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/openSUSE-10.2-Alpha5/openSUSE-10.2... The list of known annoying bugs is available as usual at http://en.opensuse.org/Bugs:Most_Annoying_Bugs#openSUSE_10.2_Alpha_5: It currently contains: * Registration fails Bug #205392 * After logging in to KDE, a popup window will inform you that dbus is not running. Just ignore the message - dbus is running Bug #209009 * Suspend to disk will fail with an error message "The resume device configured in /etc/suspend.conf". (fixed powersave package should be in factory by monday, until then you can edit /etc/suspend.conf and put your resume device from the resume=... boot parameter there. However, the fixed package is better). * The x86-64 uses nearly double the disk space for installed packages than usual. It looks like a bug in binutils stripping the binaries Bug #210331 * Instead of /dev/hd for IDE disks using Intel ICHx chipsets the libata interfaces are used and disks show up as /dev/sd Bug #210478 * zen-updater always shows patterns to update Bug #198379 * It's not possible to start applications via kdesu, eg yast2. Workaround: use "su" in a shell. Bug #208272 * The bootloader configuration on BIOS-based RAID (so-called FakeRAID) systems fails. BUG #208076 * gnome-screensaver does not accept the correct password. Bug #204364 * Workaround: Kill the gnome-screensaver process. This is the last external Alpha, we will deliver in three weeks our first Beta of openSUSE 10.2. Alpha5 includes the following important changes: * Linux kernel 2.6.18 * glibc 2.5 * Python 2.5 * Installation allows comfortable LVM partitioning * Setup RAID automatically via the BIOS (so called fake-RAID support) in the partitioner * GNOME 2.16.1 (most packages are updated) * KDE 3.5.5 SVN version * Firmware test as additional bootoption (this is the Intel firmware test tool) Have a lot of fun with openSUSE 10.2 - codename "Basilisk Lizard", Andreas -- Andreas Jaeger, aj@suse.de, http://www.suse.de/~aj/ SUSE Linux Products GmbH, Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409 Nürnberg, Germany GPG fingerprint = 93A3 365E CE47 B889 DF7F FED1 389A 563C C272 A126