Unfortunately I am not able to add this comment to the openSUSE wiki because I was not able to pass the spam protection :-(
(thought it wouldn`t be so hard to answer the question 10+5 but none of my entries were accepted).

So, here is my comment by mail:

Thanks for bringing up this topic!

As discussed my proposals are:
For the overview of system status http://de.opensuse.org/images/b/bf/Statusoverview.png
The main idea was to show an overview of system component status (e.g. CPU) indicated e.g. by a green dot (or something)
After clicking on the section an accordion opens with detailled information and a graph. 

The limits are edited via >Settings. The settings are organized in tabs. 
The user selects general settings http://de.opensuse.org/images/2/29/Status_settingsgeneral.png and system component specific settingshttp://de.opensuse.org/images/8/8c/Status_settingsmemory.png
For system specific limits the user selects whether he wants to be informed if a certain value is either undercut or exceeded.

Best regards,


Martin Schmidkunz
User Experience Specialist
+49 (0) 911 740 53-346
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, GF: Markus Rex, HRB 16746 (AG Nürnberg)

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