The new staging server is live and all appears to be running well.
I have installed the latest version of Lucene on it, and I'm currently trying to get "Did you mean..." working correctly.  There is very little documentation out there, so it could take awhile to get all the functions up and running.

>>> "Matthew Ehle" <> 8/20/2010 11:41 AM >>>
In preparation for the 1.16 upgrade and installing the latest Lucene search, the data center has created a new virtual machine with the latest and greatest version of SLES.  Over the next few days, I will be setting up this new machine and transferring content, after which we will change the iChain configurations to point to the new stage server.
Please make sure to inform me if you are doing anything on the current staging box, as your changes could otherwise be lost.  I will inform you when the changes are all done, hopefully sometime next week.