Matthew Ehle

Web Engineer



Mobile Phone: (801) 358-1655

>>> G G <> 12/1/2011 1:49 PM >>>
>Hello Everyone,
>i'm hawake, the coordinator of the Italian traslation of the Wiki. I'm
>here to report some troubles we are having using the wiki:
>- [0]à ( a page we used like
>showcase ) has disappeared completely...
It has not actually disappeared.  The update script has messed up all the UTF8 titles, so they only appear to be gone.  This was apparently a known issue, but no one has a fix for it yet.  See
>- the <gallery> tag is now messed up (example: ;
There are some theming issues that we are working on.  The new resource loader feature of MW is having some trouble with our theme.

>- now, comparing two versions of the same page is more difficult
>because of non highlighted changes with different colors;
>- the link [edit] for each section, now on the left, messes the titles
>layout complicating the readability.
I believe they are all the same theming issues mentioned above.

>Does someone have an idea about how to solve the <gallery> issue? And
>do you know why pages like [0] has disappeared completely (no
I'm trying to figure out how to fix the broken names, and some of the contributors are working on a fix for the skin.  I would suggest not trying to rebuild the page, as it will probably get overwritten when we try to fix it.
Thank you,