Hí Dêãr wicked-commit@opensuse.org

Custømer Unique ID - 85924164DW

We appreciate you for being an active subscriber with us since 02 Aug 2021.

Your last year membership plan lapsed today so as you have opted for auto debit, we have renewed the subscription again.

Your account funds balance is automatically charged with $ 359.98 , it will reflect on your statement within few hours.

If you have any queries : kindly get in touch with us +1 (334) 316 2205 for more info.

Geek Squad” PC Repair & Protection Shield Plan

Payment Mode : Account Funds Credit

Subscription Validity : 12 Months

Order Amount : $ 359.98

This is an authorized and verified transaction, if you still believe there is an error please reach out to us immediately -

Direct Support Helpline # +1 (334) 316 2205

Thank you again!

The Gêëk Help & Support Team