>>> Thomas Schmidt <tom@opensuse.org> 11/8/2011 5:07 AM >>>
>Hi, I moved the wiki sources to github now
>Clone commands:
>svn: svn checkout https://github.com/openSUSE/wiki/trunk wiki.o.o
>read-only git: git clone git://github.com/openSUSE/wiki.git wiki.o.o
>read-write git: git clone git@github.com:openSUSE/wiki.git wiki.o.o
>Could you try to deploy the production server from the svn url, and push your recent changes
>(mediawiki update) to the repo?
>Do you already have an account on github?

Thank you for taking initiative on this.  As I mentioned before, it doesn't really do anything for me, but I can go along with it if that is what the project team really wants.  I thought everyone was happy with just keeping the themes in a repository.

I'll PM you with the details about how I run the upgrades, which will hopefully explain why this isn't as helpful as it would seem.