Hi Henne,
Why do you think this is happening? Do you have a log or something?
Time is going backwards? I know it sounds stupid but at least thats what I see. Use this gist, add it to top of spec_helper.rb and call it again from any of the spec files. I called it from `conference_controller_spec.rb` with `stamp "running it block"` and output was:

0.000 start
-56922094.628 running it block

I guess you will have to run it yourself to believe me. Or may it like this just in my local env? You guys see the same delay (of 30-40 secs) before test runs, right? In any case, I am try to go through the call stack and trying to investigate this further.

Now that it builds for every branch we want those notifications, they are not unnecessary and just fine
I hope you know that now you will receive notification on irc as well an email for every failing and then fixed builds on from all the forks of osem. You can get around notification on irc with somewhat mozilla guys did: https://github.com/mozilla/build-tools/commit/c13a2978e0869219295013eeb52cf52227ab45ec
However there is no fix for email thingy. It really sucked to find out that it an issue known to travis for three year :'(
