>>> Christian Boltz <opensuse@cboltz.de> 11/29/2011 11:38 AM >>>
>Am Montag, 28. November 2011 schrieb Matthew Ehle:
>> Scott and I have finished upgrading the openSUSE wikis to the latest
>> version of MediaWiki. 
>I'm sorry to disappoint you, but you installed an outdated version *g*
>About an hour after your mail, Mediawiki 1.18 and 1.17.1 were
>announced ;-)
>(No need to hasten - the changelog of 1.17.1 looks harmless and 1.18
>comes with some big (but IMHO useful) changes - but that needs some more
>testing than a bugfix update. I'd say give the Access Manager etc. some
>days before introducing another new component into the game.)
It would seem that fate has a sense of humor :)

>> As some of you may have noticed, it was not the smoothest upgrade that
>> we have ever done.  It was one of those times where every possible
>> problem decided to happen.
>Didn't you know Murphy before? ;-)
He comes by once in awhile ;-)

>> Aside from the above issue, please let me know if you find any other
>> problems with the new MW software or with the new SSO solution.
>The "Boilerplate per namespace" patch is missing :-(
>I just (ab)used my newly gained power ;-) and re-added it in git [1][2].
>I also added another fix - <noinclude> sections that have the
></noinclude> in another line should now be stripped (the preg_replace
>didn't have the multiline modifier).
>Please test my modifications (they shouldn't break anything, but I
>didn't test them with the openSUSE wiki code) and then deploy them ;-)
I pulled your changes into stage.  The stage sites are public now, so all are free to test.  It seems to have worked.  Unless you find something way off, I'll pull into production at the end of today.

>BTW: Do you still use svn for deployment or did you switch to git in the
>meantime? Your mail from 2011-11-19 in the "openSUSE.org Security Alert"
>thread contained something, but it wasn't completely clear to me and my
>reply is still unanswered. I'll paste it here:
We are now using git all the way (I finally saw the light).  In fact, if I can be added as a contributor for the landing page, I'll start using git for that as well.  I would also like to see the blog themes added to github as well.