Hello,  Spacewalk orphan looking for new home here.


New Leap 15.2 and Uyuni 2020.07 install.


On bootstrapping a Centos 8 client, I hit some snags initially, and needed to install salt-minion on the client, which in turn needed a new repo adding.


yum install https://repo.saltstack.com/py3/redhat/salt-py3-repo-latest.el8.noarch.rpm

yum install salt-minion

This installs salt-minion 3001-1.el8 plus dependencies.


This allowed me to bootstrap through the Uyuni web interface and add the client successfully using the salt method.


However, when running a remote command, such as “touch /tmp/i_exist.txt”  (actual path doesn’t matter), this fails with


/bin/sh: /tmp/__salt.tmp.jir6xlhr.sh: Permission denied


Googling tells me this is a salt error rather than a Uyuni one, but as Uyuni set up salt-minion I’m hoping to gain a solution here.

Can anyone point me in the right direction please?

