

The recent Centos 8.4 release appears to have triggered more issues for us, and made me review how we manage our Centos 8 clients. We plan to move to Rocky soon but the same issue will persist there.


Currently:  Uyuni syncs Centos repos. My workaround so far has been to run “dnf -y update” on a schedule to each client instead of patching from within Uyuni as we do with Centos7. This pulls packages from the Uyuni mirror and has largely worked okay, but not any longer – lots of module related issues on all C8 clients since I updated the repos to 8.4. I’m not clear exactly why this has triggered this problem re-appearing, but it has. My understanding of this is that Uyuni doesn’t update the module metadata when it populates its repositories, so the clients can’t see this and fail.


I’ve read about the Uyuni method of using the Content Lifecycle and have trialled this. This does work, but we don’ t particularly want to be manually doing this for each Centos update or patch cycle.  We’re not big enough to warrant a corporate approval cycle for Centos, so updates are directly applied to our servers. (This has resulted in relatively few issues)


The only other method I can think of is to change the clients to having local .repo files and pull updates directly from the Centos mirror. This obviously negates some of the benefits Uyuni brings to package management, but would work reliably.


So I’m wondering – how are the other Centos/Alma/Oracle/Rocky 8 users of Uyuni applying updates, and how have you overcome the module problems?


Simon Avery

Linux Systems Administrator