
What Heiner is asking for is not yet available in Uyuni. There are read-only users for the API but not for the WebUI. The kind of user Strahil describes is useful  to reduce risk exposure but does not fulfill the "cannot change anything" case. It is in our backlog, though.

Thank you

Pau Garcia Quiles
SUSE Manager Product Owner & Technical Project Manager
Phone: +34 91 048 7632
SUSE Software Solutions Spain

From: Strahil Nikolov <hunter86_bg@yahoo.com>
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2021 2:33 PM
To: email@heiwu.de <email@heiwu.de>; Heiner Wulfhorst <email@heiwu.de>; users@lists.uyuni-project.org <users@lists.uyuni-project.org>
Subject: Re: Fwd: hello / how to add read-only WebGUI user accounts
I thought that the regular user is exactly matching your needs:

User (normal user) — Also known as a System Group User, this is the standard role associated with any newly created user. This person may be granted access to manage system groups and software channels, if the SUSE Manager administrator sets the roles accordingly. The systems must be in system groups for which the user has permissions to manage them. However, all globally subscribable channels may be used by anyone.

Best Regards,
Strahil Nikolov

On Mon, Apr 19, 2021 at 15:19, Heiner Wulfhorst
<email@heiwu.de> wrote:
Hi folks,

I am new to uyuni and try to create a read-only account for my colleagues.
I want them to be able to see information like patches and known issues for the systems i am managing for them, but they should not be able to add, edit or delete anything.

Any hint on how to do this?
