I simple don't know where to ask, but it should work on the SuSE web server:

Somebody should (hopefully many ;-)  ) come to my website and order something.
After he has paid via credit card, I would like to make a downloadable invoice in pdf format.
The info for the invoice will come from different database tables, according to the purchase.
It also includes the company logo and a chop or signature.

I want to use pdf format, because it is independent from the users OS.

Can anybody give me a hint where to start ???




Ronald Wiplinger (ÃQ¤¯¯Ç), CEO, ELMIT - The Solution Provider
Tel. +886 2 8809-7980, Fax. +886 2 2809-0183, Mobile: +886 915 653-452
Net2Phone:8869550066, ICQ: 111651169
http://www.elmit.com            http://www.wiplinger.org