I got some Apache config questions. My httpd.conf ends like that:


# get the server name from the Host: header
UseCanonicalName Off

# this log fomat can be split per-virtual-host based on the first field
LogFormat "%V %h %l %u %t \"%r\" %s %b" vcommon
CustomLog /var/log/virtual_access_log vcommon

# include the server name in the filenames used to satisfy requests
VirtualDocumentRoot /usr/local/httpd/virtual/%0/htdocs
VirtualScriptAlias  /usr/local/httpd/virtual/%0/cgi-bin


# redirect the server name to onother place
<VirtualHost ronald.elmit.com>
VirtualDocumentRoot /usr/local/httpd/virtual/ronald.elmit.com/htdocs
RedirectPermanent /usr/local/httpd/virtual/ronald.elmit.com/htdocs/ http://www.elmit.com/~ronald/
#    ServerAdmin webmaster@host.some_domain.com
#    DocumentRoot /www/docs/host.some_domain.com
#    ServerName host.some_domain.com
#    ErrorLog logs/host.some_domain.com-error_log
#    CustomLog logs/host.some_domain.com-access_log common


1. The part of the virtual domains works great, except that the cgi-directory is NOT used !!! ???

Solved, I disabled the cgi-bin in the httpd.conf for the standard server.

2. The redirect part I don't get to work at all. I want that a virtual domain will be redirected to another sites user directory

BTW, what are the other entries from a user, for _vti_inf.html files (no doubt M$, but why?)

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