It's been my experience that those kind of problems are due to an
incorrect vert and/or horz frequency choice when setting up the
xserver.  Does the documentation for your *monitor* give those
values?  If so, use them when setting up the xserver.  What sax2
detects may work somewhat, as yours does, but not be correct.
I checked, and you were right: I had used the refresh rates from a technical booklet pertaining to my son's monitor. So I changed the values, relaunched X, but the problem remained.

I switched back to the Xfree 4 version  supplied by SuSE, and the problem was still the same. It then dawned on me that I had changed my motherboard over the week-end, and  had reinstalled windows. The Xfree truetype server pointed to /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/truetype that contained symlinks to all my Windows/fonts  directory. But since I had only reinstalled windows, and no applications,  most of the symlinks were dead. I just removed all links, made new ones, uses ttmkfdir and mkfontdir, installed a new fonts.alias file, relaunched X, and the problem was gone.

It is deceptively easy to overlook the obvious.

Anyway, thanks for your help,  and a very happy new year to you!


Courtesy of SuSE Linux
Kernel 2.2.17 (who Kares?)