2006/9/7, T. Lodewick <jbscout_opsubeta@libitum.de>:
if thats not all your view - thats OK. no one will say to you what you
have to do or not. your PC - your choice. but please do the same the
other way to other people and other companys that don't have your view.
I think thats fair.

and before beginning the discussion over and over again: maybe its time
to think about a real short way: just ask on the list if there are any
news about the situation. then a representive can say if it is, or if it
is not. ( don't misunderstand me - discussions are importend. but at
some point you have to see how things will go, and you have to wait some
time so that others can work on it. ).

Ok, i think my point  is clear and don't need new clarification, I'm still disagree with you, but there is no misunderstood, just different interpretation so personally i don't see any point to continue the discussion. Thanks to respond in respectable way.

Best regards

Marcel Mourguiart