Op 25-09-2023 om 22:57 schreef Patrick Shanahan:
* Jogchum Reitsma <j.reitsma@hccnet.nl> [09-25-23 16:47]:
Op 22-09-2023 om 14:59 schreef Patrick Shanahan:
* Jogchum Reitsma <j.reitsma@hccnet.nl> [09-22-23 02:21]:
Op 22-09-2023 om 04:35 schreef Patrick Shanahan:
* Jogchum Reitsma <j.reitsma@hccnet.nl> [09-21-23 18:04]:
Op 21-09-2023 om 21:49 schreef Patrick Shanahan:
* Jogchum Reitsma<j.reitsma@hccnet.nl>  [09-21-23 12:28]:

My son's system fails to get into a graphical environment after the zypper
dup --no-allow-vendor-change issued yesterday (to TW 20230917, kernel
6.5.3.-1-default). Trying to issue startx, the Xorg.0.login his home
environment says "Failed to initialize the NVIDIA kernel module¨.
then you do not have the nvidia pkg for the 6.5 kernel installed.  if G04,
I don't believe there is one "yet".
There is indeed no nvidia-glG05 or -4 package, says zypper info.

As said, too bad that one doesn't get warned for this omission when issuing
the usual zypper dup.
Now we have a pretty useless system.
no, just boot a 6.4 kernel
We tried that yesterday, via grub. The only result was a blinking cursor in
the upper left of both screens.
It was possible to go to tty01 for a terminal login, but no graphics screen.

We haven't done any research as to why this 6.4 kernel does not boot to
graphical system, that's something we should do, I think.
At the moment there is no nvidia nvidia-glG05 or -04 package installed, so
that could pose the problem for the 6.4 kernel?
most certainly.

fwiw:  I do not know where you found directions to remove the nvidia
packages when updating the kernel.  I have never removed the nvidia pkgs
in that circumstance.  just do the upgrade/update (dup) and reboot.  if
you don't get graphical, revert to the previous working kernel and wait
for newer nvidia packages.
Update: we tried to install the drivers with zypper in nvidia-glG05, but
zypper can´t find them.

Also trying to add the nvidia repo (zypper addrepo
https://download.nvidia.com/opensuse/tumbleweed/) filas, there is no repo
file found. Indeed it's not there, probably because building fails?
is the baseurl and perhaps the trailing "/" is causing you problems.

But if I go to https://download.nvidia.com/opensuse/tumbleweed there is no .repo file.

So I would say the trailing / is not the problem, iac not the only problem?

But could well be that the addrepo command I used is incorrect.

I do not recall the ar (add repo) syntex as I hand edit but you are
welcome to copy and use my repo if need be.


Thanks, I downloaded it. It is more ore less the same as the content of a .repo file in my own TW-system:

name=NVidia drivers

We'll check if such a repo exist in his system. If not, we can copy my (or your) .repo to his /etc/zypp/repos.d and give it a try again.

Things go a bit slowly, son being rather busy doing both mathematics and physics.

Thanks again!