All of 55.22 is bad - it works in 55.19

Following the virtualbox documentation is not the OpenSUSE way - If you want pure Oracle code - then follow it - but do not complain on the OpenSUSE support as we do not support the Oracle version - Just the OpenSUSE version.

On 9/24/23 14:17, Stephan Hemeier wrote:
Am Sonntag, 24. September 2023, 19:16:17 CEST schrieb cagsm:
this doesnt alter the facts that my machine here more like hints into
the uefi and security keys (MOK as in mokutil comes to my mind?)
direction as the problem
it really tires me that i come around so many problems with opensuse
in the OSS world that i have imaged to be problematic topics

why does virtualbox actually need some additional driver? module? in
the linux kernel of the host itself? its all so odd and strange to me.
The kernel
vR | kernel-default                 | Paket      | 5.14.21-150500.55.22.1              | x86_64 | Update repository with updates from SUSE Linux Enterprise 15

is buggy, fingerprintreader, USB-Lan, USB is buggy.

So delete the Kernel Version because the virtualbox-kmp-default
is copied into the kernels directory and may be not working.

For documentation of Virtualbox read here: