
How can i block RealPlayer (G2, 8.0 or older) or Windows Media Player (7.0 or older) with my ipchains-Firewall or with a squid-Proxy.

I blocked the Port 1755 but this didn't work correctly because  the Media-Player tries to connect
via Port 80 if he can't connect the standart port 1755.

In the RealPlayer options menue the user can change the port (tcp or udp) manually.
Is there any chance to block it with the squid or the ipchains?

thanks and have a nice day Juergen Calmano

orgafactory gmbh
System Engineering
z.H.Jürgen Calmano
Hügelstraße 8
60435 Frankfurt am Main

Telefon (0 69) 90 54 66 11
Telefax (0 69) 90 54 66 13