I got a problem here. I runned the SuSE hardening script on Version 7.0 Professional with all options set to "yes".
After that I deinstalled it with undo_harden_suse and rebooted the machine.
I did that beacuse I found out that I still need telnet and ftp access.
Well after all, I re enabeld the Inetd and tried but I the server always denies the acces :-(
Can anybody help me out here?
Thanks in advance
Thomas Mueller
P.S: I'm new to this list, so please don't mind if I forgot to describe anything.

Corporate Express Deutschland GmbH
Bereich IT

Thomas Müller
Schulze-Delitzsch-Str. 24-26
70565 Stuttgart
Tel.: 0711/90676-636
Fax: 0711/90676-313