suse:/usr/bin # ./rhd_conntest 01:05.0 -d rhd_conntest: v1.1.0, dist of git branch master, commit 00f182d6 Checking connectors on 0x791E, 0x1043, 0x826D (@01:05:00): Load Detection: RHD_OUTPUT_NONE HotPlug: RHD_HPD_0 DDC: RHD_DDC_1 RHD_DDC_2 LVDS Info: 18bits, single link, LDI Panel found. Power Timing: 0x000, 0x000, 0x00, 0x00, 0x000 Macro: 0x00000000, Clock Pattern: 0x0001 suse:/usr/bin # ./rhd_conntest 01:05:0 -s rhd_conntest: v1.1.0, dist of git branch master, commit 00f182d6 Checking connectors on 0x791E, 0x1043, 0x826D (@01:05:00): Load Detection: RHD_OUTPUT_NONE HotPlug: RHD_HPD_0 DDC: RHD_DDC_1 RHD_DDC_2 LVDS Info: 18bits, single link, LDI Panel found. Power Timing: 0x000, 0x000, 0x00, 0x00, 0x000 Macro: 0x00000000, Clock Pattern: 0x0001 DDC Line[1]: Slaves: 6e 74 a0