Am 16.04.24 um 07:30 schrieb
On lun, 2024-04-15 at 20:37 +0000, Atri Bhattacharya wrote: wrote:
I would go for keeping python-numpy as the latest version (in this
2.0) and create a new package called python-numpy_1. Any package that
depends on old numpy can just add the version limit to the spec file

Requires:       python-numpy < 2

..which would entail manual fixes for a rather large number of specfiles.
What would be the benefit, if I may ask, as opposed to using `python-
numpy2` as I suggested above?
The benefit is that we will keep the upstream name for the package and in
the future we just need to drop python-numpy_1. If we do it the other way,
at some point we will need to rename the package or we will keep the
package name mismatch forever.

I mean, if upstream doesn't change the name to numpy2, all the projects
that depends on it should also update their dependencies to pin the version
when it's released.

Many packages do already pin to numpy < 2. The proposed scheme mirrors the upstream logic and avoids confusion.

Name:      python-numpy
Version:   2.0
Provides:  python-numpy = %{version}-%{release}
Conflicts: python-numpy1

Name: python-numpy1
Version:   1.26.4
Provides:  python-numpy = %{version}-%{release}
Conflicts: python-numpy
Prefer: -python310-numpy1 -python311-numpy1 -python312-numpy1

[ben@skylab:…osc/bmwiedemann/openSUSE]% git grep 'numpy <' packages/*/*/*.spec
packages/a/apache-arrow/python-pyarrow.spec:Requires:       (python-numpy >= 1.16.6 with python-numpy < 2)
packages/p/python-astropy/python-astropy.spec:Requires:       (python-numpy >= 1.22 with python-numpy < 2)
packages/p/python-matplotlib/python-matplotlib.spec:Requires:       (python-numpy >= 1.21 with python-numpy < 2)
packages/p/python-nptyping/python-nptyping.spec:Requires:       (python-numpy >= 1.21.5 with python-numpy < 2)
packages/p/python-nptyping/python-nptyping.spec:BuildRequires:  %{python_module numpy >= 1.20.0 with %python-numpy < 2}
packages/p/python-numba/python-numba.spec:# upper bound is exclusive: min-numpy_ver <= numpy < max_numpy_ver
packages/p/python-numba/python-numba.spec:Requires:       (python-numpy >= %{min_numpy_ver} with python-numpy < %{max_numpy_ver})
packages/p/python-numpy/python-numpy.spec:Conflicts:      %{plainpython}-numpy <= 1.12.0
packages/p/python-pandas/python-pandas.spec:Requires:       (python-numpy >= 1.23.2 with python-numpy < 2)
packages/p/python-pandas/python-pandas.spec:Requires:       (python-numpy >= 1.26  with python-numpy < 2)
packages/p/python-scikit-learn/python-scikit-learn.spec:Requires:       (python-numpy >= 1.19.5 with python-numpy < 2)
packages/p/python-yt/python-yt.spec:Requires:       (python-numpy >= 1.19.3 with python-numpy < 2)

I just hope that we don't have to jump through too many hoops to make the hpc packages work.

- Ben