openSUSE Project Meeting - 22.10.2012 14:30-15:30 Agenda: ======= 1. Conference impressions 2. Summer of Code / Google Code In 3. openSUSE Summit 4. FOSS in South America 1. Conference impressions ========================= - kkaempf - very good idea, learned about Nix(OS) packages - henne - goodparts/bad parts - too general stuff is useless for us - future media is nice and adds sprinkle but 3+ talks about foss unrelated stuff is too much - rjschwei - good, opportunity to present us as a project to people who don't see opensuse as a community (yet) - henne - there are lot of other conferences where we can do that - warlordfff - more people that would be at opensuse talks went to linuxdays talks (not vice versa) - we lost more visitors than gained (eg. ambassadors vs sysadmin talks) - henne+kkaempf - having too many tracks hurts in a way, indeed - tampakrap - major problem was coordinating all organizing parties _before_ the conference - we should try to put more emphasis on communication - rjschwei - document on the wiki how to organize the conference, what to do, what to avoid - tampakrap - many things are already documented (sort of), because wiki was used during the organizing of the conference - vincent - people from greece already saw a lot from the organization, because they were here at the prague conf 2. Summer of Code / Google Code In ================================== - henne - quality of the proposed projects is dropping - rjschwei - fdisk guy is here, one of the reasons for soc is to attract new people and it did succeeded in that case - lets look at that example and see what to do, to have more good proposals/projects/successses next year - henne - there's no time for deep analysis of projects, because mentors appear just few days before deadlines - vuntz - admins didn't do a very good job this year, there's more to do there - rjschwei - preparation for GCI - it is for highschool students, add your tasks to the wiki - no money for students this year, they are inviting ~20 people to campus in california - 2 students from each project are nominated to go to the googleplex - miska - does GCI has the same format for tasks like last year? (one-three day long tasks) - that way a mentor can manage 3-4 students, because it's not that tiring as mentoring GSOC - rjschwei - yes, just small changes: translation tasks are no longer allowed - tasks can be short, but have to meet certain criteria 3. openSUSE Summit ================== - henne - lot of people could not come to opensuse conference, because they were at susecon/summit - vuntz - first time we organized it - lot of local people came, quite successful for the first summit - travel support program, if people wanted to go, could ask for sponsorship - warlordfff - do you think that summit helped opensuse community? - summit undermined opensuse conference, it's not local, but not global either - kkaempf - good part - close to susecon - made opensuse community more visible to business people - the naming of summit/conference was not ideal - caused lots of confusion (people submitting talks to wrong one, etc.) - warlordfff - it divided the community into 2 parts - tampakrap - lots of problems with organizing conference, because of susecon - lot of people were unavailable - izabel - it's pretty hard to get visa to USA, thus summit was not an american conference, just for USA/Canada - lots of people that were on susecon are not here - it's hard to keep both sides happy - warlordfff - more people from the board were on susecon than here - that's lame - henne - maybe we should try to get more space (for opensuse) at susecon, not have it as a separate event - rjschwei - we can try to move susecon/opensuse conf around the year, we could check the schedule of other confs - tampakrap - akademy also had one (or two?) editions in USA, but they cancelled it, because of the same problems as we face 4. FOSS in South America ======================== - tian2992 - meetings every week, not only about opensuse but free software in general, lot of collaboration - FLISOL - moving from guatemala, costarica, etc. - some major challenges - too few communication, opensuse summit could serve as a central point for people from americas, but that was not the case - not enough install disks - making their own, funding resources - people don't know what resources are available, because it is not translated into spanish - effort that has to be done - jospoortvliet - what exactly we can do? - tian2992 - let people know there is a central information in their language (and translate more) - make tools to connect people better