Ben Fennema wrote:
On Mon, Jul 22, 2002 at 01:51:11PM -0700, guStaVo ZaeRa wrote:
I'm stating a new thread, because there seems to be some confusion here...

Your telling me =]

[root@ksi4 /root]# mkudffs /dev/cdrom
trying to change type of multiple extents

nope. didn't work either. then, i try to blank the cd out by executing 
the dd command:
[root@ksi4 /root]# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/cdrom bs=2048 count=2295104
dd: /dev/cdrom: Read-only file system

You need the DVD+RW patch
Ah!!!! there we go!
And unless your planning on using CDRW's as well, you shouldn't need the
pktcdvd patch. (and they could very well conflict)
ok, i won't.
Looking at the patch, I can't tell whether it works with ide-cd directly.
My guess would be no...
ok, so now, i've finally been able to do the dd stuff:

[root@ksi4 /root]# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/cdrom bs=2048 count=2295104

it's taking a looooong time...  does dd default to speed=1x?

it seems like i'm back where i was on friday.. phew.. what a day.. :)

thanks a lot, ben!

when this is done, i'll try to write to the disk and see what happens, so i'll be back in a little while..


guStaSo ZaeRa | Software Engineer
BRE Systems LLC.
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