Tough luck: It has already been declined two months ago without meaningful comment.

Am 29.01.24 um 18:58 schrieb Ben Greiner:
Hi Christian,

Am 29.01.24 um 18:27 schrieb Keil:

currently python311-kombu does not build in the devel project because it misses python311-boto3, which is only built for plain python3. This makes python311-celery in turn uninstallable in 15.5 or 15.6 as this directly translates to devel:languages:python or :backports respectively. All build fine in Factory.

I'm happy to raise this anywhere else, it just wasn't obvious to me where this fits best.

Boto3 and all of its dependencies need %{?sle15_python_module_pythons} added like this:
When you have completed the full dependency chain, try to get the attention of the package or project maintainer (Adrian in CC).

Best regards,


- Ben