
i would like to discuss the current go library packaging guidelines. 

In my opinion we have to add the user or organization part of libraries hosted on github or bitbucket. As I’m currently working on some Go packages i realized that there are so many different „cli“ libraries or simply named „go“ or „core“. Following the naming scheme we have to name them „go-cli“, „go-go“ and „go-core“. Everybody knows how much different libraries we can cover that way.

While i tried to package another library i ran into another issue. There are go libraries that depend on each other. Like https://github.com/shurcooL/go/blob/master/github_flavored_markdown/main.go and https://github.com/russross/blackfriday/blob/master/block.go, which will be named „go-go“ and „go-blackfriday“. They are imported each other which won’t work with seperate packages. How should we solve something like that?

  Thomas Boerger